
A Private Affair


Un asunto privado

10.0 / 10

Marina Quiroga, an audacious young lady hailing from high society, possesses the spirit of a detective deep within her. Driven by an unyielding determination, she embarks on a perilous journey, alongside her devoted butler Hector, to apprehend the elusive serial killer wreaking havoc upon their peaceful town.

With a heart filled with courage and a mind teeming with curiosity, Marina fearlessly ventures into the treacherous realm of criminal investigation. Armed not only with her sharp intellect but also her unwavering determination, she vows to bring justice to her community.

Guided by her unwavering intuition, Marina and Hector form an extraordinary duo, defying conventions and societal expectations. Together, they delve into the dark underbelly of their town, unmasking sinister secrets and exposing the malevolent presence that threatens their tranquility.

As they navigate the twisted labyrinth of clues left by the cunning killer, Marina's unquenchable thirst for truth intensifies, pushing her to the brink of danger. With each step closer to the truth, the stakes rise higher, testing the limits of her resolve and resolve and challenging the boundaries of their partnership.

In a race against time, Marina and Hector must outwit a cunning adversary, unraveling the enigma that shrouds their town. With their unbreakable bond and unwavering dedication, they are determined to restore peace and bring the malevolent reign of the serial killer to a resolute end.

Jean Reno
Jean Reno
Aura Garrido
Aura Garrido
Gorka Otxoa
Gorka Otxoa
Pablo Molinero
Pablo Molinero
Álex García
Álex García
Ángela Molina
Ángela Molina
Tito Valverde
Tito Valverde