
Open Your Eyes

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Following a devastating incident, a teenager suffering from amnesia embarks on a journey to reconstruct her shattered existence within the confines of a cutting-edge memory disorders facility. However, as she delves deeper into her unorthodox treatment, a sense of suspicion begins to creep into her consciousness, casting doubt upon the very methods employed to restore her lost memories. With uncertainty as her constant companion, she must navigate the labyrinthine corridors of her mind, questioning every decision and seeking the truth hidden amidst the shadows of her forgotten past.

Maria Wawreniuk
Maria Wawreniuk
Ignacy Liss
Ignacy Liss
Marcin Czarnik
Marcin Czarnik
Zuzanna Galewicz
Zuzanna Galewicz
Sara Celler-Jezierska
Sara Celler-Jezierska
Marta Nieradkiewicz
Marta Nieradkiewicz
Magdalena Kumorek
Magdalena Kumorek
Karol Bernacki
Karol Bernacki