Vide Noir
(2022)Vide Noir
In his relentless pursuit of his beloved fiancée Lee, Buck embarks on a captivating journey across the vast expanse of the country, drawn towards a vibrant metropolis adorned with mesmerizing neon lights. Determined to reunite with her, he casts aside conventional plans and resolves to scour every corner of this bustling city, immersing himself in the enticing ambiance of cocktail bars, lounges, and clubs. Little does Buck know that this quest will propel him into a surreal realm of nocturnal encounters, each more bewildering than the last. As his odyssey unfolds, Buck stumbles upon a dark trail intertwined with the enigmatic allure of a groundbreaking new substance, capable of transcending the boundaries of mortality, time, and even the dimensions of reality itself. Unbeknownst to him, a perilous figure lurks at the epicenter of this twisted narrative, holding the key to it all.