
Pound of Flesh

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Pound of Flesh 2015

The Action and Thriller genre film titled Pound of Flesh, directed by Ernie Barbarash, premiered on March 23, 2015 exclusively on Canadian television, and then was released in the USA. Pound of Flesh was written by Joshua James, starring names such as Darren Shahlavi and Charlotte Peters, especially Jean-Claude Van Damme, whom many of us are fans of, and has a score of 5.2 on IMDB. Deacon wants to help a lady who is in trouble at night, but things will not be as he thought because that night Deacon's kidney will be stolen. Deacon, who searches for an old friend and goes after his stolen kidney, will experience dangerous moments...

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme
John Ralston
John Ralston
Aki Aleong
Aki Aleong
Darren Shahlavi
Darren Shahlavi
Brahim Achabbakhe
Brahim Achabbakhe
Jason Tobin
Jason Tobin
Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng
Philippe Joly
Philippe Joly
Temur Mamisashvili
Temur Mamisashvili