



9.3 / 10

Arthur Fleck, alone in the crowd, is always looking for a bond. Still, while walking through the sooty streets of the city of Gotham; Arthur walks with two masks on his face as he gets on the public vehicles full of graffiti on the city, where the division and discontent has become a hostile place. The first of these is the clown face he draws on his face for the day job. The other is a mask that he will never be able to remove: This is a mask that reflects the empty effort he made to feel like part of the world around him; is an effort to hide a misunderstood man whose life has been repeatedly destroyed. Growing up without a father, Arthur's mother is a fragile woman and perhaps Arthur's best friend. Her mother calls him "Happy"; A nickname radiates Arthur's face with a smile that hides his heartbreak. However after getting bullied on the street and exposed of the jokes from his co-workers, Arthur keeps getting more and more out of tune from his enviroment.

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix
Robert De Niro
Robert De Niro
Zazie Beetz
Zazie Beetz
Frances Conroy
Frances Conroy
Brett Cullen
Brett Cullen
Shea Whigham
Shea Whigham
Bill Camp
Bill Camp
Glenn Fleshler
Glenn Fleshler
Leigh Gill
Leigh Gill
Josh Pais
Josh Pais
Marc Maron
Marc Maron
Sondra James
Sondra James
Murphy Guyer
Murphy Guyer
Douglas Hodge
Douglas Hodge
Dante Pereira-Olson
Dante Pereira-Olson
Carrie Louise Putrello
Carrie Louise Putrello
Sharon Washington
Sharon Washington
Hannah Gross
Hannah Gross
Frank Wood
Frank Wood
Brian Tyree Henry
Brian Tyree Henry
April Grace
April Grace
Mick Szal
Mick Szal
Carl Lundstedt
Carl Lundstedt
Michael Benz
Michael Benz
Ben Warheit
Ben Warheit
Gary Gulman
Gary Gulman
Sam Morril
Sam Morril
Chris Redd
Chris Redd
Mandela Bellamy
Mandela Bellamy
Demetrius Dotson II
Demetrius Dotson II
Ray Iannicelli
Ray Iannicelli
Bryan Callen
Bryan Callen
Peter Hans Benson
Peter Hans Benson
Vito Gerbino
Vito Gerbino
Adam Quezada
Adam Quezada
Xavyer Ureña
Xavyer Ureña
Evan Rosado
Evan Rosado
Damian Emmanuel
Damian Emmanuel
Mike Troll
Mike Troll
Jane Fergus
Jane Fergus
David Gibson
David Gibson
Tony D. Head
Tony D. Head
Jeff McCarthy
Jeff McCarthy
Kim Brockington
Kim Brockington
Troy Roberts
Troy Roberts
Lou Young
Lou Young
Michael-Scott Druckenmiller
Michael-Scott Druckenmiller
Craig Austin
Craig Austin