
Red Rooms


Les chambres rouges

8.3 / 10

Kelly-Anne's obsession reaches its peak as the high-profile trial of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier commences. Gripped by a twisted fascination, she finds herself lost in a haze where the boundaries between reality and her morbid fantasies blend together seamlessly. Determined to unravel the enigmatic puzzle surrounding the case, she embarks on a treacherous journey down a sinister path, desperate to uncover the missing piece that will bring closure to the haunting mystery. As her mind delves deeper into the darkness, Kelly-Anne's quest for the truth takes on a life of its own, driving her towards the edge of sanity.

Juliette Gariépy
Juliette Gariépy
Laurie Babin
Laurie Babin
Élisabeth Locas
Élisabeth Locas
Maxwell McCabe-Lokos
Maxwell McCabe-Lokos
Natalie Tannous
Natalie Tannous
Pierre Chagnon
Pierre Chagnon
Guy Thauvette
Guy Thauvette
Charlotte Aubin
Charlotte Aubin
Sébastien Beaulac
Sébastien Beaulac
Frédérick de Grandpré
Frédérick de Grandpré
Stanley Hilaire
Stanley Hilaire
Vitali Makarov
Vitali Makarov
Rebecca Makonnen
Rebecca Makonnen
Maxim Martin
Maxim Martin
Marie-Gabrielle Ménard
Marie-Gabrielle Ménard
Richard Turcotte
Richard Turcotte
Nadia Verrucci
Nadia Verrucci